Looking after you and your privacy

Vision Engineering Limited uses your personal data, as defined in the data UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation including the DPA. By using the Vision Engineering Limited website (“Website”) you accept the terms of this Data Protection Statement.

  1. Information Collected
    1. Vision Engineering Limited will ask your consent whenever you intend to submit Information via the Website.
    2. For the purposes of registering upon the Website, Vision Engineering Limited will request that you provide as a minimum your salutation, full name, company name, address, email address and telephone number.
    3. Registered website users can change their details at any time by logging on to the website and amending their profile and preferences.
  2. Cookies
    1. Vision Engineering Limited collects and stores Information whenever you use the Website by the use of Cookies which are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to your computer’s hard drive via your browser to enable Vision Engineering Limited’s computers to recognise your browser when you use the Website. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and most major websites use them to provide functionality and personalisation for their customers.
    2. Browsers can be adjusted to prevent acceptance of cookies or notify the user on receipt of cookies. For instructions on how to set your cookie preferences refer to the Help section of your browser. If your computer is unable to accept cookies, the Website will operate but not so efficiently.
    3. Cookies in themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s computer. You can find more information about cookies at www.allaboutcookies.org
    4. You do not have to provide any Information in order to use the Website. Access to certain sections and features of the Website is dependent upon the provision of Information and without that Information Vision Engineering Limited will be unable to provide such access or features.
  3. Using your information
    1. Vision Engineering Limited will only use Information as follows:
      To supply goods and/or services as requested by you including such transfer of Information to employees, agents and third parties as required for this purpose. (For example Vision Engineering Limited uses a delivery agent to process the delivery of goods and/or services requested by you and Vision Engineering Limited will pass to the delivery agent such Information as is necessary for this purpose.)For administration purposes.To market Vision Engineering Limited’s services to you.
    2. Vision Engineering Limited may transfer its business assets (which include Information) on sale or merger of the business.
    3. Vision Engineering Limited reserves the right to transfer Information as required to obtain legal advice, to comply with legal requirements, to protect Vision Engineering Limited’s rights and property, and for the safety of Vision Engineering Limited’s employees, clients, suppliers and others.
  4. Data Protection Rights
    1. The Data Protection Act gives you certain rights including a right to request a copy of your Information and to have inaccurate Information corrected. To obtain a copy of information we hold about you please write to: Data Protection Officer, Vision Engineering Limited, Send Road, Send, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7ER, ENGLAND