
Product Faq’s

Can it indicate the height of subjects viewed?2020-06-13T10:43:18+00:00

Yes, through the manual image alignment.

Does it take long to install?2020-06-13T10:43:27+00:00

No, just 10 minutes to assemble.

Do I need training before using CONTOUR?2020-06-13T10:43:41+00:00

No. CONTOUR intuitive controls makes it easy to use from the start. A comprehensive user manual is provide with the system.

How does the system differ from “3D” monitors already on the market?2020-06-13T10:43:49+00:00

CONTOUR uses a unique, glasses-free, technology that delivers two high resolution channels to the left and right eye giving crisp imagery with a natural perception of depth.

What is the resolution of Contour?2020-06-13T10:43:57+00:00

CONTOUR is a unique display system which cannot be categorised in the same way as a monitor. The image of Contour is made up of two full HD channels optically combined on the mirror, thus doubling the line resolution viewed by the user. We refer to the resolution as “full stereo HD”.

Can I view my samples under Brightfield and Darkfield?2020-06-30T10:35:56+00:00

When selecting your system you can choose objectives that are suitable for either bright field illumination only or bright and dark field illumination.

Can I view my sample with transmitted light and incident light?2020-06-30T10:36:09+00:00

There are options that allows you to view your sample with transmitted and incident light independently or simultaneously. The TIM5 is available in two different system kits: TIM5-EPI includes incident illumination only. TIM5-SSI includes incident and transmitted light sources. Please ensure you select the correct model for your needs on ordering.

What about Kohler illumination2020-06-30T10:36:27+00:00

TIM5 illumination controls allow for Kohler configurations to optimize image sharpness and contrast

Can I view my sample under polarized light?2020-06-30T10:36:53+00:00

Yes. A polarizer and analyzer are available for incident light.

Can I capture images?2020-06-30T10:37:14+00:00

Yes. The trinocular construction allows for a camera to be mounted to the camera port tube using a C-mount adapter. A range of cameras are available, please contact Vision Engineering for further information. When paired with appropriate software, functionality can range from image acquisition and basic measurement, to more advanced applications such as image processing, stitching images together and image analysis.

What is the resolution of DRV-Z1?2020-07-01T13:06:59+00:00

The image of DRV is made up of two full HD channels optically combined, thus doubling the line resolution viewed by the user. We refer to the resolution as “full stereo HD”.

Do I need a PC/software to capture still images?2020-07-01T13:07:16+00:00

No. DRV-Z1 allows the saving of paired images which can be shared and used to reproduce the stereo view in separate DRV-Z1 systems.

How does the system differ from “3D” monitors already on the market?2020-07-01T13:07:36+00:00

DRV-Z1 uses patented technology that delivers two high resolution channels to the left and right eye giving crisp stereo full HD 3D visualization without the need for special eyewear.

Do I need training before using DRV-Z1?2020-07-01T13:08:25+00:00

No. DRV-Z1 intuitive controls makes it easy to use from the start. A comprehensive user manual is provide with the system.

How does Lynx EVO work?2020-07-01T13:12:17+00:00

Lynx EVO utilizes patented dynascope technology to project stereo images into the users eyes.

Can I wear my glasses with Lynx EVO?2020-07-01T13:12:40+00:00

Yes. The optical design of the Lynx EVO head projects the image into the users eyes. If the user wears task specific eye glasses these can be worn to correct the users sight without affecting the performance of the Lynx EVO. In the same way safety glasses and can also be worn during use.

How can I ensure that I return to a specific magnification after zooming?2020-07-01T13:12:59+00:00

Lynx EVO includes a detent which can be set at any point within the zoom range. The detent works as a physical marker that if felt as the zoom control moves past it. Like a click stop, the detent causes the zoom to click into the set magnification before the user can zoom past in either direction ensuring the user returns to the same place time and again

Can I measure with Lynx EVO?2020-07-01T13:13:18+00:00

Yes, it is possible to get measurements using Lynx EVO in the same way as can be achieved with other stereo microscopes. These are typically via the use of a graticule or via the use of the optional camera module and measurement software

How can you measure height on a non-contact measurement system such as Hawk?2020-07-01T13:40:41+00:00

We measure height or depth by focusing the system on features at different heights, for example a line or a point at the top and bottom of a step, and then simply construct a distance measurement between these features. If you are using an optical measuring system to measure in the Z-axis often, we recommend using a higher magnification objective with a small depth of field, so that you can focus more repeatably on the features measured.

How can you change magnification on Swift PRO without a zoom lens?2020-07-01T13:44:04+00:00

We supply a range of objective lenses that can be easily fitted to the system for different magnification options. They simply screw on and off.

Which one is better, optical measurement or video?2020-07-01T13:44:30+00:00

The answer to this depends on the application. Video measurement is ideal when measuring profiles or features with clear edges, whereas optical microscopes accurately measure features with low contrast where video cameras wouldn’t be able to detect edges. Both of these methods come together in the Swift PRO, making it the ideal solution for many applications where customers measure a variety of parts on the same system.

My components have clear edges, so why would I buy a dual system with optical and video together?2020-07-01T13:45:21+00:00

Having both optical and video measurement capabilities in one system means that if your measurement requirements change in the future, you will not need to invest in a new measuring system. This is often the case for contract manufacturers, who manufacture a number of different parts for their customers now and may be asked to manufacture very different parts in the future.

We are not allowed to have PC’s on our shop floor. Can I use the Swift PRO without a PC?2020-07-01T13:46:15+00:00

Yes. Some companies are not allowed to have PC’s or other electronic devices that can be used for sharing data, either for security reasons or due to contamination. Our Swift PRO Elite toolmakers’ microscope comes with the robust Mx200 DRO. You can enjoy using the feature-rich and easy to use M-series software, but will not need a PC to run it.

How often do I need to calibrate the Swift PRO?2020-07-08T06:57:16+00:00

Vision Engineering is certified to ISO 17025, so the measuring systems we supply are calibrated before they leave our premises. The period of calibration depends on the quality systems of each customer, although we recommend calibration/validation every 12 months.

What is the field of view of DRV-Z1?2020-07-13T03:47:28+00:00

The field of view is dependent on the magnification at which you are viewing and the objective lens that you are using. The widest field of view will be achieved with a lower magnification objective. Field of view reduces as magnification increases. Please refer to the optical data for full details.

How are images captured using EVO Cam II?2020-07-13T03:48:56+00:00

Image can be captured either direct to a USB memory stick, via a PC connected through the supplied USB3 port and cable, or via an optional HDMI image capture device

What is the maximum magnification for EVO Cam II?2020-07-13T03:49:31+00:00

Maximum optical magnification is 754x, when displayed on a 24″ monitor. When combined with the EVO Cam II’s 12x digital zoom the magnification increases to 9,000x.

Magnification is a combination of the optical configuration, digitally applied magnification and the size of the display screen. By changing the either of these components the magnification of the system is changed.

What is the file format of the captured image?2020-07-13T03:50:01+00:00

EVO Cam II captures images in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and JPEG formats. PNG images do not lose information caused by compression, maintaining maximum detail in the saved image. JPEG offers three levels of compression to allow control over saved file size. EVO Cam II saves images with an automatic sequence number.

Do I need training before using EVO Cam II?2020-07-13T03:50:28+00:00

No. EVO Cam II’s intuitive controls makes it easy to use from the start.

Can I use EVO Cam II for simple measurement?2020-07-13T03:50:57+00:00

Yes. EVO Cam II can be used to perform simple measurements, with customisable overlay grid and cursors. Sometimes called dimensioning.

What is the magnification of the SX series.2020-07-13T03:57:01+00:00

The magnification of the SX series depends on the configurationof the system. The available magnification is a factor of the objective, the internal optics and the selected eyepieces. The maximum magnification for each of the SX series models is: SX25 Elite = 5x – 180x, SX45 Elite = 4x – 200x, SX80 = 4x – 256x, SX100 = 4x – 320x

Are Graticules available for the SX series?2020-07-13T03:57:34+00:00

Yes. Please contact your Vision Engineering representative for details on the available graticules

Can I fit a camera to the SX series microscopes?2020-07-13T03:58:09+00:00

The SX45-TR Elite is designed with an extra optical path to allow a camera to be fitted for display and image capture. A selection of Vision Engineering cameras and software are available for viewing, capture, reporting and other.

How is the Hawk different than Swift PRO?2020-07-14T05:32:28+00:00

Hawk comes in both CNC and manual configurations, whereas Swift PRO is a manual system. Hawk also has a larger measurement capacity, higher magnification options and a lower measurement uncertainty.

What is the difference between 3D and 3X?2020-07-14T12:45:59+00:00

Diopter is the most common unit used for expressing magnification for low magnification optical systems such as bench magnifiers. It is the same term as is encountered at the optician when calculating magnification for spectacles. 1 diopter adds 0.25x in magnification. So 3D (3 diopters) is normal magnification plus 3 lots of 0.25 = 1.75x.

What is the difference between 3D lighting compared to a ring-light?2020-07-14T12:46:43+00:00

Ring-lights are great for giving even illumination and allowing every detail to be seen clearly. 3D lighting allows the introduction of a controlled amount of shadow which helps the brain understand depth within the image.

What is the shadeneck2020-07-14T12:47:28+00:00

The shadeneck is the design feature which covers the neck mechanism with a special gator to prevent FOD falling on the subject. The shadeneck removes the need for locking screws and knobs as it perfectly balances the head whatever the position.

What if I can’t fit the edge clamp to my desk?2020-07-14T12:48:24+00:00

The edge clamp has an opening of appoximately 2″ (55mm). If a desk is too thick for the edge clamp, table bushing and surface mounts are also available

Can my Vision LUXO magnify more than 5D?2020-07-14T12:49:15+00:00

Yes. it is possible to add the STAYS lenses to the magnifiers to increase the magnification. The maximum total magnification possible is 4.75x

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