Helping to advance stem cell research

If you’re working with stem cells, you’ll appreciate the image clarity and convenience offered by an eyepiece-less microscope from Vision Engineering. A Lynx EVO stereo zoom microscope, for example, can be placed within a laminar flow cabinet, letting you inspect the live stem cells without the risk of contamination.

Superior contrast

Inspection and manipulation of the subject becomes easier when you equip one of our eyepiece-less stereo microscopes with an optional tiltable mirror within the sub-stage, for dark-field and bright-field observation, maximizing the contrast of the cells.

Keeping safe

If you’re working with delicate subjects that need to be protected or subjects that could harm the user, you need a Lynx EVO, Mantis or DRV-Z1 (Deep Reality Viewer). They can all be placed in your laminar flow or bio safety cabinet and used as normal, without the need to modify anything or to cut holes in the glass.

3D video microscopy

If you’re studying something which moves, you need one of our video microscopes, such as EVO Cam II. It’s a great way to capture every detail while you’re looking comfortably at a screen. Or, go further with our unique DRV-Z1, which lets you see and record 3D HD video footage which floats in front of you.

True 3D vision

Ideal for use in a biosafety cabinet, our unique DRV-Z1 creates full 3D images which float in front of your eyes, without any virtual reality headsets or special glasses. It gives you all the benefits of optical stereo microscopy and digital technology in a single system, delivering natural 3D visualization with outstanding depth perception. Plus, you can share those 3D images – in real time – around the world



The incredible DRV-Z1 is the world’s first and only digital stereo inspection system.

Researcher looking into Mantis PIXO head - blue cell sample in viewer


Eyepiece-less 3D stereo microscope offering exceptional operator comfort and superb 3D imaging.