On-site and off-site demos available for our range of inspection and non-contact measurement systems.

Safe product demos

Safe On-site Product Demos

Our national team of District Managers are going into facilities to deliver product demos while strictly adhering to the safety regulations published by the CDC and OSHA. Each Vision Engineering District Manager follows the protocols to meet the safety recommendations and wears masks and gloves during on-site demos, in addition to disinfecting the systems before and after use.

Remote Assisted and Remote Demos

For facilities that are not allowing visitors on-site, we offer 2 types of demos.

  • Remote Assisted Demo: For our stereo/optical products, where in order to fully appreciate the system’s stereo image quality, we will ship a system to your facility and by using an online conference platform, talk you through the set-up and demo.
  • Remote Demo: This demo is ideal for our digital systems where we can easily use an online video conference platform to show our products. If you have a specific part you would like us to use, simply send us the part, along with any NDA (if applicable), and we will run the demo with your part.

Southern California Technology Center

The recent opening of our Technology Center in Irvine, CA is ideal for customers working in facilities that are not open to visitors.

The Technology Center is open by appointment only and the space and all systems are cleaned before and after each use. Customers bring samples of parts they inspect and/or measure and can try the systems to find the solution for their needs. Book an appointment by clicking on the button.

Vision facilties west coast Tech West