Worldwide sourcing of components, materials and parts.

In order to maximise quality of parts for price, Vision Engineering Manufacturing Services’ British, American, Chinese and Japanese purchasing teams invest time in the worldwide sourcing of components, materials and parts, making sure quality and compatibility are optimised for successful manufacturing.

Vision Engineering Manufacturing Services has a worldwide supplier base and over 50 years of experience of purchasing raw materials and multiple commodities.

Purchasing and Procurement Capabilities

Our technical purchasing teams are multi-lingual and multi-cultural, enabling them to obtain the best quality and price.

Collectively, the global purchasing team successfully sources an extensive range of components, materials and parts, including:

  • Electro-mechanical, opto-mechanical components and assemblies
  • All raw materials
  • Tooling for moulding and casting
  • Packaging
  • A wide range of non-stock items and services

ISO 9001: 2015 enhances operational effectiveness and efficiency, providing a basis for continual improvement, quality control and cost savings, with regular audits to monitor compliance and support the integration and communication between procurement and every aspect of Vision Engineering Manufacturing Services.

Strong strategic sourcing skills and experienced technical buyers at UK and US facilities enable the analysis, selection, negotiation and evaluation of suppliers, which ensures quality product, on time deliveries and good pricing.

Local purchasing support is also provided from Vision Engineering Manufacturing Services’ international offices in Japan, China, Malaysia, Germany, France and Italy, assisting with supplier selection, communication, cultural differences, development and quality improvement activities.